11 August 2015
We, Bob and Okeroa Taitua whanau continue to work with Golden Groves Apiaries. We have maintained a great relationship since the late 1990’s, because of their commitment to their company vision statement.
The late Bruce Stanley vision was “trust, transparency, respect, open communication and honesty". This has been the building blocks of a successful business relationship
In an attempt to future proof land owners we recognised the financial opportunity available through the bee industry specifically Golden Grove Apiaries.
Our association with Golden Groves Apiaries began with Bruce Stanley. Jason and Lorraine have continued and expanded his legacy. They continue to forfill all their commitments to the land owners which include but not limited to;
* Providing open and honest feedback during annual meetings
* Their availability to discuss issues/concerns you may have
* Provide advice and encouragement regarding increased productivity, for example plant manuka on non grazing land
* A willingness to give back to the community, for example the donation of a shipping container for our whanau urupa Wheturoa for the purpose of storage
* Their encouragement for whanau to learn the bee keeping industry this will ultimately enable us to take on the management on our own land thereby creating employment.
We will continue to develop and work with Jason and Lorraine because of their honest commitment to us and their company vision. Their appreciation of us as non-residential land owners and our need to safe guard the land for future generations will ensure our whanau will grow and develop independently.
Kui White
Whanau Representive - Bob & Okeroa Taitua Whanau